Portal customization


The portal is the visible part of LemonLDAP::NG, all user interactions are displayed on it.


You can change the default favicon in Manager: General Parameters > Portal > Customization > Favicon.

A blank value displays default favicon common/favicon.ico.


  • Logo files must be stored in lemonldap-ng-portal/site/htdocs/static/my/path directory

  • Logo file path must be like my/path/logo.ico

Show languages choice

You can disabled languages choice in Manager: General Parameters > Portal > Customization > Show languages choice.

Option enabled by default.


If languages choice is disabled, Portal displays accepted languages by your browser (EN by default).

Scroll to top button

You can display a button to go to back to the top after <value> pixels scrolling.


A blank or null value disable this feature.

Custom CSS file

You can define a custom CSS file, for example custom.css, which will be loaded after default CSS files. This file must be created in the static repository (/usr/share/lemonldap-ng/portal/htdocs/static/bootstrap/css).

Then set this value in Custom CSS parameter: bootstrap/css/custom.css.

CSS file example to remove white background of main logo:

#header img {
  background-color: transparent;

Custom JS file

Similarly, you can define a custom JS file, for example custom.js, which will be loaded after default JS files. This file must be created in the static repository (/usr/share/lemonldap-ng/portal/htdocs/static/bootstrap/js).

Then set this value in Custom CSS parameter: bootstrap/js/custom.js.

Check out the Available JQuery Events page for available integrations


LemonLDAP::NG is shipped with a bootstrap skin.

But you can provide your own. See Skin customization below.

Default skin

You can change the default skin in Manager: General Parameters > Portal > Customization > Default skin.

Select the Custom skin, then set the name of the skin you want to use in the input below.

Skin background

Go in General Parameters > Portal > Customization > Skin background. You can define a background by selecting one of the available image. Select None to use the default skin background configuration.


To set your own background, copy your file in /usr/share/lemonldap-ng/portal/htdocs/static/common/backgrounds/ and register it in /etc/lemonldap-ng/lemonldap-ng.ini:

portalSkinBackground = file.png

You can also use lemonldap-ng-cli:

/usr/share/lemonldap-ng/bin/lemonldap-ng-cli set portalSkinBackground file.png

Skin rules

You might want to display different skin depending on the URL that was called before being redirected to the portal, or the IP address of the user.

To achieve this, you can create a rule in the Manager: select General Parameters > Portal > Customization > Skin display rules and click on “New entry”. Then fill the two fields;

  • Key: a Perl expression (you can use %ENV hash to get environment variables, or $_url to get URL called before redirection, or $ipAddr to use user IP address). If the rule evaluation is true, the corresponding skin is applied.

  • Value: the name of the skin to use.


$_url =~ m#^http://test1.example.com#

Skin files

A skin is composed of different files:

  • .tpl: Perl HTML::Template files, for HTML content

  • .css: CSS (styles)

  • .js: Javascript

  • images and other media files

A skin will often refer to the common skin, which is not a real skin, but shared skin objects (like scripts, images and CSS).

Skin customization


If you modify directly the skin files, your modifications will certainly be erased on the next upgrade. The best is to create your own skin, based on an existing skin.

Here we explain how to create a new skin, named myskin, from the bootstrap skin.

First copy static content:

cd /usr/share/lemonldap-ng/portal/htdocs/static
mkdir myskin
cd myskin/
cp -a ../bootstrap/js/ .
cp -a ../bootstrap/css/ .
mkdir images

Then create a folder for template overrides

cd /usr/share/lemonldap-ng/portal/templates/
mkdir myskin
cd myskin/

LemonLDAP::NG contains templates that are made for common customization, these particular templates do not need any modification when you upgrade LemonLDAP::NG:

  • customhead.tpl : HTML header markups (like CSS, js inclusion)

  • customheader.tpl : HTML code in the header

  • customfooter.tpl : HTML code in the footer

  • customLoginHeader.tpl : HTML code in the login header

  • customLoginFooter.tpl : HTML code in the login footer

To use override these files, copy them into your skin folder:

cp ../bootstrap/custom* .

Any other template file can also be overriden, be sure you check upgrade notes for important updates in your overriden template files.

Then you can add your media to myskin/images, you will be able to use them in HTML template with this code:

<img src="<TMPL_VAR NAME="STATIC_PREFIX">myskin/images/logo.png" class="mx-auto d-block" />

To change CSS, two options:

  • Edit myksin/css/styles.css and myskin/css/styles.min.css

  • Create a new CSS file, for example myskin/css/myskin.css and load it in customhead.tpl:

<link href="<TMPL_VAR NAME="STATIC_PREFIX">myskin/css/myskin.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

To add custom JS, create a new file in myskin/js/custom.js and load it in customhead.tpl

<script type="text/javascript" src="<TMPL_VAR NAME="STATIC_PREFIX"><TMPL_VAR NAME="SKIN">/js/custom.js"></script>

In this file, you can access JQuery functions, and hook your code to JQuery events

Put then all custom HTML code in the custom template files.

To configure your new skin in Manager, select the custom skin, and enter your skin name in the configuration field. For example with lemonldap-ng-cli:

/usr/share/lemonldap-ng/bin/lemonldap-ng-cli -yes 1 set portalSkin 'myskin' portalSkinBackground ''

You can find additional documentation on the syntax of template files in the official documentation of the HTML::Template module


Changing messages

Messages are defined in source code. If they really do not suit you, override them! You just need to know the ID of the message (look at Portal/Main/Constants.pm).

There are two methods to do this:

  • Use lemonldap-ng.ini:


# Custom error messages
error_0 = Big brother is watching you, authenticated user

# Custom standard messages
msg_lastLogins = Your last connections

You can also define messages in several languages or disable message boxes by using the bareword _hide_ :

error_en_0        = Big brother is watching you, authenticated user
error_fr_0        = Souriez, vous êtes surveillés !
msg_fr_lastLogins = Dernières connexions
error_9           = _hide_
  • Create a lang file in custom skin:

If you have a custom skin, then you can create a lang file in templates/<your skin> similar to the default lang files provided in htdocs/static/languages/.

For example templates/myskin/en.json:

  "PE9":"Please authenticate!",
  "lastLogins": "Previous authentications",
  "myMessage": "My custom message, in english"

You can also create a file called all.json to override messages in all languages.

Changed in version 2.0.15: Translations in lemonldap-ng.ini now take priority over translations from skin files

Adding messages in your templates

You can use the trspan HTML attribute to replace the content of a tag by an internationalized string

<span trspan="myMessage">This will be replaced by the translation of myMessage</span>

New in version 2.0.16: You can now also replace HTML attributes with translated messages

<img src="http://xxx" trattribute="alt:myMessage data-description:myMessage"></img>

In this example, the alt= and data-description= attributes will be replaced by the translation of myMessage

Template parameters

Template parameters are defined in source code. If you need to add a template parameter for your customization, then add to lemonldap-ng.ini:


# Custom template parameters
tpl_myparam = world

Then you will be able to use it in your template like this:

Hello <TMPL_VAR NAME="myparam">!

All session variables are also available in templates, with the prefix session_:

Hello <TMPL_VAR NAME="session_cn">!

You can also display environment variables, with the prefix env_:


Buttons on login page

This node allows one to enable/disable buttons on the login page:

  • Check last logins: display a checkbox on login form, allowing user to check his login history right after opening session

  • Register new account: display a link to register page (for password based authentication backends)

  • Reset your certificate: display a link to reset certificate page (for password based authentication backends)

  • Reset password: display a link to reset your password page (for password based authentication backends). Number of allowed retries can be set (3 times by default)

Password management

  • Require old password: used only in the password changing module of the menu, will check the old password before updating it

  • Allow to display password: if enabled, a small icon in the password field is added and when users click on it, the password value is revealed. Disabled by default.

  • Hide old password: used only if the password need to be reset by the user (LDAP password policy), will hide the old password input

  • Send mail on password change: send a mail if the password is changed from the Menu, or from forced password reset (LDAP password policy)

Password Policy


Available since version 2.0.6

  • Activation: enable/disable password policy. You can set a rule to enable policy for specific users only

  • Display policy in password form: enable this option to display an information message about password policy constraints

  • Minimal size: leave 0 to bypass the check

  • Maximal size: leave 0 to bypass the check

  • Minimal lower characters: leave 0 to bypass the check

  • Minimal upper characters: leave 0 to bypass the check

  • Minimal digit characters: leave 0 to bypass the check

  • Minimal special characters: leave 0 to bypass the check

  • Allowed special characters: list of allowed special characters. Set the __ALL__ value to allow ALL special characters. A blank value forbids ALL special characters. The space character can not be specified at the begin or at the end of the list to prevent trimming.


  • User attribute: which session attribute will be used to display Connected as in the menu

  • New window: open menu links in new window

  • Anti iframe protection: Set X-Frame-Options and CSP frame-ancestors headers (see Browser compatibility)

  • Ping interval: number of milliseconds between each ping (Ajax request) on the portal menu. Set to 0 to dismiss checks.

  • Show error on expired session: display the error “Session expired”, which stops the authentication process. This is enabled by default but can be disabled to prevent transparent authentication (like SSL or Kerberos) to be stopped.

  • Show error on mail not found: display error if provided mail is not found in password reset by mail process. Disabled by default to prevent mail enumeration from this page.

  • Display rights refresh link: enable/disable link in Portal menu to allow users to refresh their rights