Extended functions


When writing rules and headers, you can use Perl expressions that will be evaluated in a jail, to prevent bad code execution.

This is also true for:

Inside this jail, you can access to:


To know more about the jail, check Safe module documentation.

Extended Functions List



This function is not compliant with the Safe jail, you will have to disable the jail to use it.

This function builds the Authorization HTTP header employed in HTTP Basic authentication scheme. It will convert user and password parameters from UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1.

Functions parameters:

  • user

  • password

Simple usage example:



This function checks date of current request, and compare it to a start date and an end date. It returns 1 if this matches, 0 else.

The date format corresponds to LDAP date syntax, for example for the 1st of March 2009 (GMT)


new Since version 2.0.12, the date may end with a differential timezone, for example for the 1st of March 2009 (+0100):


Functions parameters:

  • start: Start date (GMT unless, new since version 2.0.12, a differential timezone is included)

  • end: End date (GMT unless, new since version 2.0.12, a differential timezone is included)

  • default_access (optional): Which result to return if start and end dates are empty

Simple usage example:

checkDate($ssoStartDate, $ssoEndDate)


This function checks the day and the hour of current request, and compare it to allowed days and hours. It returns 1 if matches, 0 else. By default, the allowed days and hours is an hexadecimal value, representing each hour of the week. A day has 24 hours, and a week 7 days, so the value contains 168 bits, converted into 42 hexadecimal characters. Sunday is the first day.

For example, for a full access, excepted week-end:



You can use the binary value from the logonHours attribute of Active Directory, or create a custom attribute in your LDAP schema.

Function parameters:

  • logon_hours: String representing allowed logon hours (GMT)

  • syntax (optional): hexadecimal (default) or octetstring

  • time_correction (optional): Hours to add or to subtract

  • default_access (optional): Which result to return if logon_hours is empty

Simple usage example:


If you use the binary value (Active Directory), use this:

checkLogonHours($ssoLogonHours, 'octetstring')

You can also configure jetlag (if all of your users use the same timezone):

checkLogonHours($ssoLogonHours, '', '+2')

If you manage different timezones, you have to take the jetlag into account in ssoLogonHours values, or use the $_timezone parameter. This parameter is set by the portal and use javascript to get the connected user timezone. It should works on every browser:

checkLogonHours($ssoLogonHours, '', $_timezone)

You can modify the default behavior for people without value in ssoLogonHours. Indeed, by default, users without logon hours values are rejected. You can allow these users instead of reject them:

checkLogonHours($ssoLogonHours, '', '', '1')


Returns the date, in format YYYYMMDDHHMMSS, local time by default, GMT by calling date(1)

For example: date(1) lt '19551018080000'


New in version 2.0.12.

Used for converting a string date into epoch time.

The date format is the LDAP date syntax, for example for the 1st March 2009 (GMT):


The date may end with a differential timezone that is interpreted to adjust the epoch time, for example for the 1st March 2009 (+0100):


Simple usage example:

dateToTime($ssoStartDate) lt dateToTime(date(1))


This function uses the secret key of LL::NG configuration to decrypt a value.




Since version 2.0, this function is now compliant with Safe jail.

This function uses the secret key of LL::NG configuration to crypt a data. This can be used for anonymizing identifier given to the protected application.



This function allows one to parse the $hGroups variable to check if a value is present inside a group attribute.

Function parameter:

  • groups: $hGroups variable

  • attribute: Name of group attribute

  • value: Value to check

Simple usage example:

groupMatch($hGroups, 'description', 'Service 1')


New in version 2.0.10.

This function tests if the current user has registered a second factor. The following types are supported out of the box:


has2f('UBK') or has2f('TOTP')


Do NOT use this test to check if the user has used their second factor for logging in! This test only checks if the user has registered a second factor. Regardless of their current authentication level. It can be used to simplify second factor activation rules.


Before version 2.0.10, you need to use the following syntax

$_2fDevices =~ /"type":\s*"TOTP"/s


New in version 2.19.0.

This function tests if the request’s hostname (HTTP Host header) belongs to a given DNS domain

Usage example:


The function returns 1 if the targeted Vhost is equal to the given domain or contains it as a suffix.


New in version 2.0.8.

This function lets you test if the user is in a given group. It is case-insensitive.

Usage examples:


inGroup('test users')

inGroup('test users', 'admins')

The function returns 1 if the user belongs to the given group, and 0 if they don’t.


New in version 2.17.

This function lets you test if the request’s IP address (REMOTE_ADDR environment variable) belongs to a certain subnet. You can give multiple subnets.

Usage examples:


inSubnet('', '')

The function returns 1 if the user’s IP is in provided subnets, and 0 if it is not.


Function to check if an IPv6 address is in a subnet. Example check if IP address is local:

isInNet6($ipAddr, 'fe80::/10')


New in version 2.17.

This function lets you test if the provided IP address belongs to a certain subnet. You can give multiple subnets.

Usage examples:

ipInSubnet($ENV{REMOTE_ADDR}, '')

ipInSubnet($ENV{REMOTE_ADDR}, '', '')

The function returns 1 if provided IP is in one of the subnets, and 0 if it is not.



This function is not compliant with Safe jail. You will have to disable the jail to use it.

This function converts a string from ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8.

Function parameter:

  • string

Simple usage example:



This function converts a string from ISO-8859-1 to UTF-8 but it is not as portable as the original one.

Functions parameters:

  • string

Simple usage example:



New in version 2.0.7.

This function lets you test if a particular value can be found with a multi-valued session attribute.

Function parameter:

  • list: Variable containing several values (plain string with separator, array or hash)

  • values: Values to search in the list

  • ignorecase: Ignore case, by default the search is case-sensitive

Simple usage example:

# Case sensitive match
listMatch($roles, 'role-app1')
listMatch($roles, 'role-app1', 'Role-App2')

# Case insensitive match
listMatch($roles, 'RoLe-aPp1', 1)
listMatch($roles, 'RoLe-aPp1', 'Role-App2', 1)

The function returns 1 if a value was found, and 0 if it was not found.


New in version 2.17.

This function lets you generate an identifier suitable with the requirements of urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:profiles:subject-id

It takes an optional salt that makes it suitable for pairwise IDs as well.


The generated ID will only be as stable as the underlying attribute

Function parameter:

  • value: Value to hash

  • scope: DNS suffix to append

  • salt: optional salt to be added at the end of the value before hashing

Simple usage example:

# Generate a subject-id from uid, in a global macro
subjectid($uid, "scope.edu", "myglobalsalt")

# Generate a pairwise-id, in a per-service macro
subjectid($uid, "scope.edu", "myservice")


This function generates token used for handling server webservice calls.

token($_session_id, 'app1.example.com', 'apptest.example.com', '/^webapp[23]\.example\.com/')


The colon character is not allowed in regexp.


New in version 2.0.7.

Function to check if a variable is in requested URI

Example check if $uid is in /check-auth/ URI:

varIsInUri($ENV{REQUEST_URI}, '/check-auth/', $uid)

https://test1.example.com/check-auth/dwho     -> true
https://test1.example.com/check-auth/dwho/api -> true
https://test1.example.com/check-auth/dwh      -> false

* You can set “restricted” flag to match exact URI:

varIsInUri($ENV{REQUEST_URI}, '/check-auth/', "$uid/", 1)

https://test1.example.com/check-auth/rtyler/     -> true
https://test1.example.com/check-auth/rtyler/api  -> false
https://test1.example.com/check-auth/rtyler      -> false



This function is not compliant with Safe jail. You will have to disable the jail to use it.

This function convert a string from UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1.

Function parameter:

  • string

Simple usage example:



This function convert a string from UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1 but it is not as portable as the original one.

Function parameter:

  • string

Simple usage example:
